MIC Electronics Limited | Results/Others | To consider the following items: 1) To consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results for the first quarter ended September 30, 2007. 2) To consider and approve the Annual accounts for the year ended June 30, 2007 and to determine dates of book closure. 3) To consider and approve the 19th directors' report and date & venue for the 19th annual general meeting. 4) To approve for payment of sitting fee to the Independent Directors. 5) To approve for making investment under section 372A of the Companies Act, 1956 in the bodies corporate. 6) To approve for opening a 100% Subsidiary Company in Dubai and USA. 7) To discuss about the acquisition of Visible Display Corporation and Mobile View LLC. 8) To discuss about the establishment of power LED/Chip and Luminaries manufacturing in collaboration with the companies established in US/Japan/Taiwan. 9) To discuss about the other possibe acquisitions for supporting LED Lighting Business. 10) To discuss any other item with the permission of chairman. | 23-Oct-2007 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Board Meeting Postponed | The Company had informed the Exchange that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on May 07, 2011 to consider Un-audited Financial Results for the third quarter ended on March 31, 2011. The company has informed the Exchange that due to un-avoidable circumstances the meeting of the Board of Directors of the company which was scheduled to be held on May 07, 2011, inter alia to consider Un-audited Financial Results for the third quarter ended March 31, 2011 is hereby postponed to May 14, 2011. | 14-May-2011 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results/Others | To consider Un-audited Financial Results for the first quarter ended on September 30, 2011 and exploring various avenues for raising additional resources to complete ongoing expansion projects. | 12-Nov-2011 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results | To consider Un-audited Financial Results for the first quarter ended on December 31, 2012. | 09-Feb-2013 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results | To consider un-audited financial results for the second quarter ended on March 31, 2013. | 14-May-2013 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results | To consider audited financial results for third quarter & year ended on June 30, 2013. | 27-Aug-2013 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Preferential issue | 1) To consider the issue of Preferential Share Warrants to Promoters and other Investors. 2) To consider and approve the Notice of Annual General Meeting for the year 2012-13 and declare the date, time & venue of AGM. | 26-Oct-2013 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results | To consider Un-audited Financial Results for the first quarter ended on 30th September 2013. | 13-Nov-2013 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results | To consider Un-audited Financial Results for the second quarter ended on December 31, 2013 | 13-Feb-2014 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results | To consider Un-audited Financial Results for the third quarter ended on March 31, 2014. | 14-May-2014 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results | To consider Audited Financial Results for the third quarter and year ended on 31st March, 2014. | 27-May-2014 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results | To consider Un-audited Financial Results for the first quarter ended on 30th June, 2014. | 12-Aug-2014 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Others | To consider and approve Notice, date, time, Venue of Annual General Meeting. | 03-Sep-2014 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Others | MIC : 25-Oct-2014 : Agenda items of Board of Directors are as follows. 1) Investments by the company. 2) Buy/sell/Leasing of Property as per the provisions of Companies Act, 2013. 3)Transferring all claims against 50% of Bank Guarantee furnished by bank of Maharashtra Nashik City Branch in-favour of MIC Electronics Limited to Energy Efficiency Services Limited which is implementation partner of Nashik Municipal Corporation Project. | 25-Oct-2014 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results/Others | (i) Interalia to consider Un-audited Financial Results for the second quarter ended on 30th September, 2014. (ii) Resignation of Vijay Kumar Naidu Ch as Company Secretary. | 14-Nov-2014 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results | To consider Un-audited Financial Results for the third quarter ended on 31st December, 2014. | 11-Feb-2015 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Conversion | To consider and approve conversion of Preferential Convertible Equity Share Warrants into equity shares in 1:1 ratio to promoters and investors a part of 74,462,070 Preferential Coverable Equity Share warrants allotted on November 25, 2014 to promoters and investors as per In-principle approvals from Stock Exchanges and any other matters with the permission of the chair. | 19-Mar-2015 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results/Others | To consider Audited Financial Results for the fourth quarter and year ended as on March 31, 2015 and any other matters with the permission of the chair. | 16-May-2015 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Conversion | to consider and approve conversion of Preferential Convertible Equity Share Warrants into equity shares in 1:1 ratio to promoters and investors a part of 74,462,070 Preferential Coverable Equity Share warrants allotted on November 25, 2014 to promoters and investors and any other matters with the permission of the Chair. | 25-Jul-2015 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results | to consider and approve un-audited financial results for the first quarter ended on June 30, 2015. | 14-Aug-2015 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Others | To consider and approve Notice, Directors Report and fix date, time, Venue of Annual General Meeting and any other matters with the permission of the chair. | 05-Sep-2015 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Conversion | To consider and approve conversion of Preferential Convertible Equity Share Warrants into equity shares in 1:1 ratio to promoters and investors being a part of 74,462,070 Preferential Convertible Equity Share warrants allotted on November 25, 2014 to promoters and investors. | 30-Sep-2015 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results/Others | 1. To consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the quarter ended on September 30, 2015 2. Conversion of Preferential Convertible Equity Share Warrants into equity shares in 1:1 ratio to promoters and investors a part of 74,462,070 Preferential Coverable Equity Share warrants allotted on 25th November 2014 to promoters and investors. 3. any other matters with the permission of the chair. | 10-Nov-2015 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results/Others | to consider and approve the following: 1. Un-audited Financial Results for the third quarter ended on December 31, 2015 2. Conversion of debt in to equity shares on preferential basis as per terms of the Chapter VII of SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009.3. Further Issue of equity shares to Investors on preferential basis as per terms of the Chapter VII of SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009.4. Calling of Ex-ordinary General Meeting and any other matters with the permission of the Chair. | 09-Jan-2016 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Conversion | To consider and approve conversion of Preferential Convertible Equity Share Warrants into equity shares in 1:1 ratio to promoters and investors a part of 74,462,070 Preferential Convertible Equity Share warrants allotted on November 25, 2014 to promoters and investors as per In-principle approvals from Bombay Stock Exchange Limited through Letter dated August 21, 2014 and National Stock Exchange of India Limited through letter dated November 12, 2014 respectively, and any other matters. | 17-May-2016 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results/Others | to consider and approve Audited Financial Results for the fourth quarter and year ended on March 31, 2016 and any other matters with the permission of the chair | 30-May-2016 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results | To consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the first quarter ended on June 30, 2016 | 06-Aug-2016 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Others | To consider and approve Notice, Directors Report and fix date, time, Venue of 28th Annual General Meeting. | 03-Sep-2016 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results/Others | To consider and approve:(1) Audited Financial Results for the second quarter and half year ended on September 30, 2016. (2) Resignation of Mr. Khush Mohammad as Company Secretary and Compliance Office of the Company.(3 Appointment of Mr. M. S. Murali Krishanan as Company Secretary and Compliance Officer of the Company. | 01-Nov-2016 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results/Others | The Company had informed the exchange that a meeting of Board of directors is scheduled to be held on February 11, 2017 to consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the third quarter ended on 31st December 2016 and any other matter with the permission of the chair. The Company has now informed the Exchange that in addition to the agenda item of Un-audited Financial Results for the third quarter ended on 31st December 2016, Issue of conversion of debt / liability into equity shares on preferential basis is also being considered by the Board and any other matter with the permission of the chair. (purpose revised). | 11-Feb-2017 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results | to consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the third quarter ended on 31st December 2016 and any other matter with the permission of the chair. | 11-Feb-2017 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Others | To take-up conversion proposal of debt / liability into Equity on preferential basis and any other matter with the permission of the chair. | 18-Feb-2017 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results | to consider and approve Audited Financial Results for the fourth quarter and year ended on March 31, 2017. | 10-May-2017 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Others | To consider and approve : (1) Appointment of Shri Vegiraju Bharatiraju as Additional Director of the Company. (2). Resignation of Shri N Srinviasa Rao as Director of the Company. | 24-Jul-2017 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Others | to consider and approve Notice, Directors Report, fix date, time, Venue of 29th Annual General Meeting and any other matters with the permission of the chair. | 04-Sep-2017 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results | to consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the first quarter ended on 30th June 2017 | 09-Sep-2017 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results | to consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the second quarter ended on September 30, 2017. | 12-Dec-2017 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results | to consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the third quarter ended on December 31, 2017. | 12-Feb-2018 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Results/Others | The Company had informed the Exchange regarding the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company scheduled to be held on February 12, 2018 to consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the third quarter ended on December 31, 2017. The Company has now also inform the exchange that matters relating to Technology Transfer and further issue of Equity Shares on preferential basis will also be taken up in the ensuing Board Meeting. | 12-Feb-2018 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Financial Results | Will consider the Audited Financial results of the Company for the 4th quarter and year ended March 31, 2018. | 14-Jun-2018 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Financial Results | Consider the Audited Financial results of the Company for the 4th quarter and year ended March 31, 2018. | 11-Jul-2018 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Financial Results | To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 2018 | 14-Aug-2018 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Financial Results | Will consider the Audited financial results of the company for the 2nd quarter and Half year ended September 30, 2018. | 29-Nov-2018 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Financial Results | To consider and approve Un-auditedᅡᅠ financial results for the third quarterᅡᅠ ended December 31, 2018 | 13-Feb-2019 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Financial Results | Resolution Professional will consider the Audited Financial results of the Company for the 4th quarter and year ended March 31, 2019. | 30-May-2019 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Financial Results | To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 2019 | 14-Aug-2019 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Other business matters | Meeting of the Board of Directors of the company will be held on Thursday, the 28th day of November, 2019 at 10.30 AM at registered office of the Company to consider and approve Notice, Directors Report, fix date, time, Venue of 31st Annual General Meeting and any other matters with the permission of the chair. | 28-Nov-2019 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Other business matters | Meeting of the Board of Directors of the company will be held on Monday, the 9th day of December, 2019 at 10.00 AM at registered office of the Company to consider and approve appointment of Ms. U.K. Gayathri as Independent Director and any other matters with the permission of the chair. | 09-Dec-2019 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Financial Results | Meeting of the Board of Directors of the company will be held on Saturday, the 14th day of December, 2019 at 11.00 AM at registered office of the Company to consider and approve :1.Un-audited Financial Results for the quarter and Half year ended on 30th September 2019 2.Discussions about subsidiary company MIC Electronics Inc USA and 3.Any other matters with the permission of the chair. | 14-Dec-2019 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Financial Results | To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2019 and any other matters with the permission of the chair. | 11-Feb-2020 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Financial Results | To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended March 31, 2020 | 07-Oct-2020 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Financial Results | To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended June 30, 2020 | 22-Oct-2020 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Financial Results | To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended September 30, 2020 | 13-Nov-2020 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Other business matters | Meeting of the Board of Directors of the company will be held on Friday, the 4th day of December, 2020 at 11.00 AM at registered office of the Company to consider and approve Notice, Directors Report, fix date, time, Venue of 32nd Annual General Meeting and any other matters with the permission of the chair. | 04-Dec-2020 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Financial Results | To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2020 | 12-Feb-2021 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Financial Results/Other business matters | To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended March 31, 2021 and other business matters - Reduction of Capital | 30-Jun-2021 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Financial Results | To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 2021 | 14-Aug-2021 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Other business matters | To consider other business matters | 16-Sep-2021 |
MIC Electronics Limited | Financial Results/Other business matters | To consider and approve the un-audited financial results for the period ended September 30, 2021 and other business matters | 12-Nov-2021 |