Last Update Time: N/A
ISIN: INE489H01020

Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

₹0.00 ₹0.00 (0.00%) ▲
Prev. Close ₹N/A
Open ₹0.00
Close ₹1.85
Range ₹0.00 - ₹0.00
High ₹0.00
Low ₹0.00
Ind. Close ₹0.00
VWAP ₹0.00

The current stock price of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited is ₹0.00, with a target price range between ₹0.00 and ₹0.00. The stock has experienced a price change of ₹0.00 (0.00%), reflecting recent market volatility.

Today's opening price was ₹0.00, while the previous close stood at ₹0.00.

The market trend suggests an uptrend, making it an attractive investment opportunity for traders seeking short-term gains.

For real-time stock market updates, live share prices, and stock analysis, stay tuned. Understanding key stock metrics like VWAP, high-low range, and market momentum can help traders make informed investment decisions.

Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited Price Chart

Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited Pre Open Market Overview: N/A

Key Metrics:

  • IEP (Indicative Equilibrium Price): 0.00
  • Previous Close Price: 0.00
  • Change: 0.00%
  • Total Traded Volume: 0.00
  • Total Buy Quantity: 0.00
  • Total Sell Quantity: 0.00
PriceBuy QtySell Qty

ATO Data:

  • Buy Quantity (ATO): 0
  • Sell Quantity (ATO): 0

Order Book

Total Buy Quantity: 0.00 Total Sell Quantity: 0.00

Shareholding Patterns of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

Key Trade Statistics of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

Trade InformationDetails
Traded Volume (Lakhs)N/A
Traded Value (₹ Cr.)N/A
Total Market Cap (₹ Cr.)N/A
Free Float Market Cap (₹ Cr.)N/A
Impact cost5
Quantity TradedN/A
Deliverable QuantityN/A
% of Quantity to TradedN/A
Security VaRN/A
Index VaRN/A
VaR Margin100
Extreme Loss RateN/A
Adhoc MarginN/A
Applicable Margin Rate100
Face Value2

Key Price Statistics of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

The 52-week high for Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited was ₹0.00, recorded on N/A. On the other hand, the 52-week low stands at ₹0.00, with the lowest value recorded on N/A.

The upper band for trading is ₹1.95, and the lower band is ₹1.85. The price band is No Band%.

The stock's daily volatility stands at N/A, while the annualized volatility is N/A. The tick size for trading is ₹0.00.

Price InformationDetails
52 Week High (-)0.00
52 Week Low (-)0.00
Upper Band1.95
Lower Band1.85
Price Band (%)No Band
Daily Volatility-
Annualised Volatility-
Tick Size0.00

Key Securities Statistics of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

Securities InformationDetails
StatusTemporary Suspended
Trading StatusSuspended
Date of Listing05-Jun-2007
Adjusted P/ENA
Symbol P/ENA
Macro-Economic SectorMANUFACTURING

Security Status of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

Board StatusMain
Trading SegmentNormal Market
Session No.-
Class of SharesEquity
SDD ComplianceNon-compliant
Name of Compliance OfficerNot Available

Announcements of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018 16-Jan-2025
Outcome of Board Meeting 31-Dec-2024
Financial Result Updates 31-Dec-2024
Financial Result Updates 31-Dec-2024
Financial Result Updates 31-Dec-2024
Financial Result Updates 31-Dec-2024
Financial Result Updates 31-Dec-2024
Financial Result Updates 31-Dec-2024

Corporate Actions of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

Face ValuePurposeEx-DateStart DateEnd Date
2 Annual General Meeting19-Sep-201823-Sep-201829-Sep-2018
2 Annual General Meeting21-Sep-201725-Sep-201729-Sep-2017
2 Annual General Meeting21-Sep-201623-Sep-201630-Sep-2016
2 Annual General Meeting/ Dividend - Re 0.20/- Per Share10-Sep-201514-Sep-201521-Sep-2015
2Bonus 1:313-Nov-2014--
2Annual General Meeting / Dividend - Re 0.20/- Per Share19-Sep-201423-Sep-201430-Sep-2014
2Annual General Meeting/Dividend Re 0.20/- Per Share06-Aug-201308-Aug-201313-Aug-2013
2Annual General Meeting/ Dividend Rs 0.40 Per Share07-Aug-201209-Aug-201211-Aug-2012
2Bonus 5:222-Sep-2011--
2Dividend-Re.1/- Per Share04-Aug-201106-Aug-201111-Aug-2011
2Face Value Split From Rs.10/- To Rs.2/-04-Nov-2010--
2Annual General Meeting And Dividend Rs.3.50 Per Share14-Sep-201016-Sep-201021-Sep-2010
2Agm/Div-Rs.3/- Per Share08-Jul-200910-Jul-200916-Jul-2009
2Agm/Dividend - 20%13-Aug-200818-Aug-200822-Aug-2008

Board Meetings of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

PurposeDetailsAtt.Mtg. Date
Board Meeting IntimationNITIN FIRE PROTECTION INDUSTRIES LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 31-Dec-2024 to inter-alia consider and approve the Unaudited Financial results of the Company for the Half Yearly ended September 2024 . 31-Dec-2024
Financial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended September 30, 2024 31-Dec-2024
NITIN FIRE PROTECTION INDUSTRIES LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 31-Jul-2024 to inter-alia consider and approve the Audited Financial results of the Company for the Quarterly ended June 2024 .Board Meeting Intimation 31-Jul-2024
Financial ResultsTo consider and approve the unaudited financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 2024 31-Jul-2024
Financial ResultsTo consider and approve the annual consolidated financial results for the period ended March 31, 2024 31-Jul-2024
NITIN FIRE PROTECTION INDUSTRIES LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 09-Jul-2024 to inter-alia consider and approve the Audited Financial results of the Company for the Yearly ended March 2024 .Board Meeting Intimation 09-Jul-2024
Financial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2024 09-Jul-2024
NITIN FIRE PROTECTION INDUSTRIES LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 24-Apr-2024 to inter-alia consider and approve the Audited Financial results of the Company for the Yearly ended March 2023 .Board Meeting Intimation 24-Apr-2024
NITIN FIRE PROTECTION INDUSTRIES LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 18-Mar-2024 to inter-alia consider and approve the Audited Financial results of the Company for the Yearly ended March 2022 .Board Meeting Intimation 18-Mar-2024
NITIN FIRE PROTECTION INDUSTRIES LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 06-Feb-2024 to inter-alia consider and approve the Audited Financial results of the Company for the Yearly ended March 2021 .Board Meeting Intimation 06-Feb-2024
NITIN FIRE PROTECTION INDUSTRIES LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 22-Dec-2023 to inter-alia consider and approve the Audited Financial results of the Company for the Quarterly ended March 2023 .Board Meeting Intimation 22-Dec-2023
NITIN FIRE PROTECTION INDUSTRIES LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 27-Nov-2023 to inter-alia consider and approve the Audited Financial results of the Company for the Yearly ended March 2020 .Board Meeting Intimation 27-Nov-2023
Financial ResultsNITINFIRE : 27-Feb-2019 : The Company had informed the Exchange that a Board meeting to be held on February 19, 2019 To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2018 and other business matters . the company has now inform the exchange that the said meeting has been postponed and further rescheduled that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on February 27, 2019 to Inter aliaᅡᅠ consider and approve the standalone Un-audited Financial Results for the quarter and nine months ended on December 31, 2018. 27-Feb-2019
Financial ResultsNITINFIRE : 27-Feb-2019 : The Company had informed the Exchange that a Board meeting to be held on February 19, 2019 To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2018 and other business matters . the company has now inform the exchange that the said meeting has been postponed and further rescheduled the the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the company will be held on February 27, 2019 to inter alia consider an approve the Standaloneᅡᅠ Un-audited financial results for the quarter and Nine months ended on December 31, 2018.ᅡᅠ 27-Feb-2019
Financial Results/Other business mattersNITINFIRE : 27-Feb-2019 : The Company has informed the Exchange that a Board meeting to be held on February 19, 2019 has been re-scheduled. Further, the Company has informed the Exchange that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on February 27, 2019, To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2018 and other business matters 19-Feb-2019
Financial Results/Other business mattersNITINFIRE : 19-Feb-2019 : The Company has informed the Exchange that a Board meeting to be held on February 14, 2019 has been re-scheduled. Further, the Company has informed the Exchange that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on February 19, 2019, To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2018 and other business matters 14-Feb-2019
Financial Results/Other business mattersTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2018 and other business matters 14-Feb-2019
Financial Results/Other business mattersNITINFIRE : 22-Nov-2018 : The Company has informed the Exchange that a Board meeting to be held on November 14, 2018 has been re-scheduled. Further, the Company has informed the Exchange that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on November 22, 2018, To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended September 30, 2018 and other business matters 14-Nov-2018
Financial Results/Other business mattersTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended September 30, 2018 and other business matters 14-Nov-2018
Financial Results/Other business mattersNITINFIRE : 28-Aug-2018 : The Company has informed the Exchange that a Board meeting to be held on August 25, 2018 has been re-scheduled. Further, the Company has informed the Exchange that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 28, 2018, To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 2018 and other business matters 25-Aug-2018

Financial Results of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

Company Directory of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

Web AddressSM NameOfficeAddressCityPincodeTelephoneEmail
N/ANitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedRegistered Office501, Delta, Technology Street
Hiranandani Gardens
N/ANitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedTransfer AgentBigshare Services Pvt. Ltd.
1st Floor, Bharat TIN Works Building
Opp. Vasant Oasis, Marol, Makwana Road
Andheri East,

Insider Trading of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

Reg. ClauseAcq./Disp.Sec. (No.)Sec. ValueTxn TypeBcast Time
7(2)Nitin Mansukhlal Shah1472053704Pledge Invoke29-Mar-2018 16:31
7(2)Nitin Mansukhlal Shah26449662Pledge Invoke26-Mar-2018 17:29
7(2)Rahul Nitin Sanghavi Karta (Rahul Nitin Sanghavi HUF)118675433678Pledge Invoke26-Mar-2018 17:29
7(2)Nitin Mansukhlal Shah6769232754526Pledge Invoke24-Mar-2018 13:50
7(2)Nitin Mansukhlal Shah8261193819887Pledge Invoke21-Mar-2018 17:31
7(2)Nitin Mansukhlal Shah2091281031191Pledge Invoke15-Mar-2018 17:56
7(2)Nitin Mansukhlal Shah142950800048Pledge Invoke13-Mar-2018 17:06
7(2)Nitin Mansukhlal Shah1269568037Pledge Invoke15-Feb-2018 16:59
7(2)Nitin Mansukhlal Shah6252063795518Pledge Invoke08-Feb-2018 17:03
7(2)Nitin Mansukhlal Shah5528003789208Pledge Invoke01-Jan-2018 18:14
7(2)Nitin Mansukhlal Shah6658664139424Pledge Invoke13-Dec-2017 18:09
7(2)Nitin Mansukhlal Shah5697353899901Pledge Invoke14-Nov-2017 17:40
7(2)Nitin Mansukhlal Shah4500003504945Pledge Invoke21-Oct-2017 12:04
7(2)Nitin Mansukhlal Shah521121626Pledge Invoke12-Oct-2017 17:23
7(2)Nitin Mansukhlal Shah598925524460255Pledge Invoke04-Sep-2017 19:13
7(2)Nitin Mansukhlal Shah225674810168589Pledge Invoke18-Aug-2017 17:35
7(2)Nitin Mansukhlal Shah Karta (Nitin M. Shah)401312627038766Pledge Invoke01-Aug-2017 17:41
7(2)Rahul Nitin Sanghavi Karta (Rahul Nitin Sanghavi HUF)71377508918Sell01-Aug-2017 17:41
7(2)Rahul Nitin Sanghavi Karta (Rahul Nitin Sanghavi HUF)310485421605964Pledge Invoke01-Aug-2017 17:41
7(2)Nitin Mansukhlal Shah8216935176674Pledge Invoke01-Aug-2017 17:41

Annual Reports of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

CompanyFrom YearTo YearAtt.
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited20232024
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited20222023
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited20212022
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited20202021
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited20192020
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited20182019
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited20172018
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited20162017
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited20152016
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited20142015
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited20132014
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited20122013
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited20112012
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited20102011
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited20092010

Investor Complaints of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

Event Calendar of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/OthersInter alia to consider and approve following Business : (1) Fund raising through various means like Qualified Institutions Placement to Qualified Institutional Buyers, Preferential Allotment/Right Issue, FCCB/GDR/Warrants and / or any such manner or way Board may deem fit; (2) Consider and approve the financial results of the Company and consolidated financial results of the Company and its Subsidiaries for the year ended March 31, 2010 and other related matters; (3) Holding of Annual General Meeting for the financial year 2009-2010, and other related matters; (4) Consider and approve the split of shares; (5) Quarterly Financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2010; (6) To formulate and form ESOP Scheme; (7) Any other matter with the permission.13-Aug-2010
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedBoard Meeting DeferredThe Company has informed the Exchange that in the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on August 13, 2010 the following agenda items has been deferred i.e. Approval of Balane Sheet, Profit and Loss A/c, Cash Flow Statement for the year ended March 2010, Corporate Governance Report, Directors' Report, Notice of Annual General Meeting and other related matters and for consideration and recommendation of divided, if any. The Board Meeting for approval of above will consider on August 17, 2010.17-Aug-2010
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/OthersInteralia to consider and approve following Business: 1) Quarterly Financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2010. 2) Any other matter with the permission.03-Nov-2010
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedAcquisitionInter alia to consider and approve following Business: (1) Consider and approve Strategic Deal, Joint Venture, Alliance, Strategic Partnership, Formation of New Company and Acquisition of new business, if any; (2) Any other matter with the permission.16-Dec-2010
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults / Scheme of ArrangementTo consider the following business : (1) To consider and approve un-audited Financial Results for Quarter ended on December 31, 2010; (2) To consider and approve of Scheme of Amalgamation.11-Feb-2011
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/DividendTo consider the following business : (1) To consider and approve Audited Financial Results for the Quarter and Year ended on March 31, 2011; (2) To consider recommendation of dividend, if any; (3) Any other item with the permission of the Chair.29-May-2011
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedRaising of FundsTo consider the following business : (1) Fund raising through various means like Qualified Institutions Placement to Qualified Institutional Buyers, Preferential Allotment/Right Issue, FCCB/GDR/Warrants and / or any such manner or way Board may deem fit; (2) Holding of Annual General Meeting for the financial year 2010-2011, and other related matters; (3) To fix date of book closure for dividend; (4) Any other matter with the permission of Chair.08-Jul-2011
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResult / BonusTo consider the following business : (1) To consider and approve Audited Financial Results for the Quarter and Year ended on June 30, 2011; (2) To consider and approve issue of Bonus Shares, if any; (3) Any other item with the permission of the Chair.11-Aug-2011
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedBonusTo consider and fix record date for issue of Bonus shares of the Company.12-Sep-2011
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/OthersTo consider the following business : (1) To consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the Quarter and Year ended on September 30, 2011; (2) Any other item with the permission of the Chair.08-Nov-2011
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/OthersTo consider the following business : (1) To consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the Quarter and Year ended on December 31, 2011; (2) Any other item with the permission of the Chair.10-Feb-2012
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedBoard Meeting PostponedThe Company had informed the Exchange that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company scheduled to be held on February 10, 2012 to consider the following business : (1) To consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the Quarter and Year ended on December 31, 2011; (2) Any other item with the permission of the Chair. The Company has now informed the Exchange that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company has been postponed from February 10 , 2012 to February 11, 2012 to consider the following business : (1) To consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the Quarter and Year ended on December 31, 2011; (2) Any other item with the permission of the Chair.11-Feb-2012
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/DividendTo consider the following business : (1) To recommend Fund raising through various means like Qualified Institutions Placement to Qualified Institutional Buyers, Preferential Allotment / Right Issue, FCCB / GDR / Warrants and / or any such manner or way Board may deem fit; (2) To consider and approve Audited Financial Results for the Quarter and Year ended on March 31, 2012; (3) To recommend dividend for the year ended March 31, 2012, if any; (4) To approve the Audited Annual Accounts for the year ended March 31, 2012; (5) To approve the Auditors Report on the Annual Accounts for the year ended March 31, 2012; (6) Any other item with the permission of the Chair.29-May-2012
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/OthersTo consider the following business: (1) To consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the Quarter and Year ended on June 30, 2012; (2) Any other item with the permission of the Chair.11-Aug-2012
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/OthersTo Consider the following business: (1) To consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the Quarter and half Year ended on September 30, 2012. (2) Any other item with the permission of the Chair.30-Oct-2012
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/OthersTo consider the following business : (1) To consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the Quarter ended on December 31, 2012; (2) Any other item with the permission of the Chair.10-Feb-2013
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/DividendInter alia, to consider the following business: (1) To consider and approve Audited Financial Results for the Quarter and Year ended on March 31, 2013.(2) To recommend dividend for the year ended March 31, 2013, if any.(3) To approve the Audited Annual Accounts for the year ended March 31, 2013.(4) To approve the Auditors Report on the Annual Accounts for the year ended March 31, 2013.23-May-2013
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/OthersTo consider the following business : (1) To consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the half year ended on September 30, 2013; (2) Any other item with the permission of the Chair.14-Nov-2013
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/OthersTo consider the following business : (1) To consider and approve Un-audited Financial Results for the quarter ended on December 31, 2013; (2) Any other item with the permission of the Chair.12-Feb-2014
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedOthersTo consider the following business : (1) To take stock of buyback of shares, to fix the date of closing the buy back and other related formalities ; (2) Any other item with the permission of the Chair.26-Feb-2014
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/Othersto consider the following business:1. To consider and approve Audited Financial Results for the Quarter and Year ended on March 31, 2014.2. To recommend dividend for the year ended March 31, 2014, if any.3. To approve the Auditors Report on Annual Accounts for the year ended March 31, 2014.4. To Consider and Approve Amalgamation of 100% Subsidiary Company.5. Any other item with the permission of the Chair.17-May-2014
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/OthersTo consider the following business: (1). To consider and approve the Un-audited Financial Results for the Quarter ended on June 30, 2014. (2). To consider the appointment of the Independent Directors of the Company (3). To fix date of book closure for dividend (4). To consider and approve the Directors Report including its annexure (5). To fix the day, date, time and venue for holding of Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Company for the financial year 2013-2014, and other related matters. (6). Any other item with the permission of the Chair.14-Aug-2014
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/OthersTo consider the following business: (a)To consider and approve the Un-audited Financial Results for the Quarter ended on September 30, 2014. (b)To consider and fix Record Date for Issue of Bonus Shares03-Nov-2014
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResultsInter alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2014.12-Feb-2015
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedOthersInteralia to consider and approve the following business: (1) To expand company's fire protection business into defence sector whereby the company is proposing to introduce and move its product into specialized fire protection application suitable for defence applications which would further enhance the portfolio and expansion into the space.09-Mar-2015
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/Dividendinter alia, to transact the following: 1) To consider and approve the Audited Financial Results for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2015 and Audited Annual Accounts for the year ended March 31, 2015 and 2) To recommend dividend, if any, for the year ended March 31, 2015.25-May-2015
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/Othersinter alia, to consider the following items: 1.To approve Un-audited financial results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2015. 2.To decide about book closure date.3. To fix the day, date,time and venue of the Annual General Meeting of the members of the company and approve draft notice of AGM for the year ended March 31, 2015.4. To approve the Directors Report for the year ended March 31, 2015.14-Aug-2015
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResultsinter alia to consider the and approve the Un-audited financial results of the Company for the half-year and quarter ended september 30, 2015.10-Nov-2015
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/OthersTo consider and approve the following items:1. Un-audited financial results (Standalone & Consolidated) of the Company for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2015 together with Limited Review Report of the Auditor;2. To consider the sale/disposal of shares of the Company's subsidiary(ies) & its step-down subsidiary(ies)/associate(s);3. To consider issue of fresh/further equity shares of the Company, pursuant to approval of shareholders given at the 20th AGM held on September 21, 2015; 4. To consider shifting of registered office within the city of Mumbai with effect from April 01, 2016; and5. To consider the appointment of Company Secretary- KMP and Compliance Officer.04-Feb-2016
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/OthersInter alia, to transact the following:1. To consider and approve the Audited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2016 and Auditors Report thereon;2. To consider and approve Audited and consolidated Financial Results of the Company and its Subsidiaries for the quarter and year ending March 31, 2016 and Auditors Report thereon; and 3. Statement of Assets and Liabilities for period of Six month ended March 31, 2016.30-May-2016
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedBoard Meeting AdjournedThe Company had informed the Exchange regarding the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company scheduled to be held on May 30, 2016, Inter alia, to transact the following: 1. To consider and approve the Audited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2016 and Auditors Report thereon; 2. To consider and approve Audited and consolidated Financial Results of the Company and its Subsidiaries for the quarter and year ending March 31, 2016 and Auditors Report thereon; and 3. Statement of Assets and Liabilities for period of Six month ended March 31, 2016. The Company has now informed the Exchange that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on May 30, 2016, was adjourned to be held on June 3, 2016, to transact the following: 1. To consider and approve Audited and consolidated Financial Results of the Company and its Subsidiaries for the quarter and year ending March 31, 2016 and Auditors Report thereon; and 2. Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities for period of Six month ended March 31, 2016.03-Jun-2016
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResults/Othersinter alia, to transact the following: (1) To consider and approve the Un-audited financial results of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2016 and Limited Review Report thereon.08-Aug-2016
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedQualified Institutional PlacementTo raise funds by way of further issue of equity shares through qualified institutions placement (QIP) and to recommend to shareholders for their approval in the ensuing Annual General Meeting.06-Sep-2016
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResultsTo consider and approve the un-audited consolidated financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2016 and Limited Review Report thereon.06-Sep-2016
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResultsinter alia, to transact the following: 1. To consider and approve the Un-audited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and six months ended September 30, 2016 and Limited Review Report thereon.12-Nov-2016
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResultsInter alia, to transact the following: 1. To consider and approve the Un-audited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and nine months ended on December 31, 2016 and Limited Review Report thereon.11-Feb-2017
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResultsTo inter alia consider and approve the standalone and consolidated audited financial statements & results for the quarter and financial year ended March 31, 201730-May-2017
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResultsinter alia, consider and approve the standalone un-audited financial results of the company for the quarter ended June 30, 2017.14-Sep-2017
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedOthersTo, inter alia, consider and approve the fo!lowing proposals/transactions: i) Increase in Authorized Share capital of the Company; ii) Sell /dispose / divest / transfer of 40% shares of the Company's Associate viz. Worthington Nitin Cylinders Private Limited; iii) Sell / dispose / divest transfer of all or part of the shares of the Company's subsidiary, namely, Nitin Ventures FZE, U.A.E.; iv) Fund raising by Issuance of securities via convertible bonds / GDR / ADR / foreign currency convertible bonds /QIP / convertible debentures upto Rs. 500 crore v) Postal Ballot to obtain approval of members for Fund raising through convertible bonds /GDR / ADR / foreign currency convertible bonds / QIP / convertible debentures and others as mentioned above;03-Nov-2017
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResultsto inter alia, consider and approve the Standalone Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and half year ended September 30, 2017 as per "IND AS".12-Dec-2017
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedResultsTo, inter alia, consider and approve the Standalone Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and nine months ended on December 31, 2017.12-Feb-2018
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedFinancial Results/Fund Raising/Other business mattersTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended March 31, 2018, Fund Raising and other business matters30-May-2018
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedFinancial Results/Other business mattersTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended March 31, 2018 and other business matters14-Jun-2018
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedFinancial Results/Other business mattersTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 2018 and other business matters14-Aug-2018
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedFinancial Results/Other business mattersNITINFIRE : 25-Aug-2018 : The Company has informed the Exchange that a Board meeting to be held on August 14, 2018 has been re-scheduled. Further, the Company has informed the Exchange that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 25, 2018, To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 2018 and other business matters14-Aug-2018
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedFinancial Results/Other business mattersNITINFIRE : 28-Aug-2018 : The Company has informed the Exchange that a Board meeting to be held on August 25, 2018 has been re-scheduled. Further, the Company has informed the Exchange that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on August 28, 2018, To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 2018 and other business matters25-Aug-2018
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedFinancial Results/Other business mattersTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended September 30, 2018 and other business matters14-Nov-2018
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedFinancial Results/Other business mattersNITINFIRE : 22-Nov-2018 : The Company has informed the Exchange that a Board meeting to be held on November 14, 2018 has been re-scheduled. Further, the Company has informed the Exchange that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on November 22, 2018, To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended September 30, 2018 and other business matters14-Nov-2018
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedFinancial Results/Other business mattersNITINFIRE : 19-Feb-2019 : The Company has informed the Exchange that a Board meeting to be held on February 14, 2019 has been re-scheduled. Further, the Company has informed the Exchange that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on February 19, 2019, To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2018 and other business matters14-Feb-2019
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedFinancial Results/Other business mattersTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2018 and other business matters14-Feb-2019
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedFinancial Results/Other business mattersNITINFIRE : 27-Feb-2019 : The Company has informed the Exchange that a Board meeting to be held on February 19, 2019 has been re-scheduled. Further, the Company has informed the Exchange that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on February 27, 2019, To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2018 and other business matters19-Feb-2019
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedFinancial ResultsNITINFIRE : 27-Feb-2019 : The Company had informed the Exchange that a Board meeting to be held on February 19, 2019 To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2018 and other business matters . the company has now inform the exchange that the said meeting has been postponed and further rescheduled that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on February 27, 2019 to Inter aliaᅡᅠ consider and approve the standalone Un-audited Financial Results for the quarter and nine months ended on December 31, 2018.27-Feb-2019
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedFinancial ResultsNITINFIRE : 27-Feb-2019 : The Company had informed the Exchange that a Board meeting to be held on February 19, 2019 To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2018 and other business matters . the company has now inform the exchange that the said meeting has been postponed and further rescheduled the the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the company will be held on February 27, 2019 to inter alia consider an approve the Standaloneᅡᅠ Un-audited financial results for the quarter and Nine months ended on December 31, 2018.ᅡᅠ27-Feb-2019
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the quarter and year ended March 31, 202409-Jul-2024
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the unaudited financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 202431-Jul-2024
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the annual consolidated financial results for the period ended March 31, 202431-Jul-2024
Nitin Fire Protection Industries LimitedFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended September 30, 202431-Dec-2024

Share Transfers of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

CompanyPeriodReg.7Reg.40Reg7 Bcast DateReg40 Bcast Date
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited30-SEP-2019 25-Nov-2019 10:20:0425-Nov-2019 10:20:04
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited31-MAR-2019 20-Nov-2019 23:10:0423-Apr-2019 15:12:07

Voting Results of Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

Date of Mtg.Mtg. TypeResolutionR. requiredTotal SHs% favour% against
No Voting Results data available

FAQs on Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited

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