Last Update Time: 12-Mar-2025 16:00:00
ISIN: INE457A01014
Sector: Financial Services

Bank of Maharashtra

₹46.30 ₹-0.67 (-1.43%) ▼
Prev. Close ₹46.97
Open ₹46.98
Close ₹46.51
Range ₹43.99 - ₹48.62
High ₹47.64
Low ₹46.29
Ind. Close ₹0.00
VWAP ₹46.85

The current stock price of Bank of Maharashtra is ₹46.30, with a target price range between ₹43.99 and ₹48.62. The stock has experienced a price change of ₹-0.67 (-1.43%), reflecting recent market volatility.

Today's opening price was ₹46.98, while the previous close stood at ₹46.97.

The market trend suggests a potential downtrend, with investors exercising caution due to recent declines. Analysts recommend closely monitoring support levels.

For real-time stock market updates, live share prices, and stock analysis, stay tuned. Understanding key stock metrics like VWAP, high-low range, and market momentum can help traders make informed investment decisions.

Bank of Maharashtra Price Chart

Bank of Maharashtra Pre Open Market Overview: 12-Mar-2025

Key Metrics:

  • IEP (Indicative Equilibrium Price): 46.98
  • Previous Close Price: 46.97
  • Change: 0.01%
  • Total Traded Volume: 15,846
  • Total Buy Quantity: 342,474
  • Total Sell Quantity: 238,718
PriceBuy QtySell Qty

ATO Data:

  • Buy Quantity (ATO): 0
  • Sell Quantity (ATO): 0

Order Book

Total Buy Quantity: 342474 Total Sell Quantity: 238718

Shareholding Patterns of Bank of Maharashtra

Key Trade Statistics of Bank of Maharashtra

Trade InformationDetails
Traded Volume (Lakhs)50.82
Traded Value (₹ Cr.)23.81
Total Market Cap (₹ Cr.)35,611.90
Free Float Market Cap (₹ Cr.)7,297.06
Impact cost0.04
Quantity Traded5,081,937.00
Deliverable Quantity1,852,699.00
% of Quantity to Traded36.46
Security VaR16.56
Index VaRN/A
VaR Margin16.56
Extreme Loss Rate3.5
Adhoc MarginN/A
Applicable Margin Rate20.06
Face Value10

Key Price Statistics of Bank of Maharashtra

The 52-week high for Bank of Maharashtra was ₹73.50, recorded on 03-Jun-2024. On the other hand, the 52-week low stands at ₹43.67, with the lowest value recorded on 03-Mar-2025.

The upper band for trading is ₹56.36, and the lower band is ₹37.57. The price band is 20%.

The stock's daily volatility stands at 2.55, while the annualized volatility is 48.72. The tick size for trading is ₹0.01.

Price InformationDetails
52 Week High (03-Jun-2024)73.50
52 Week Low (03-Mar-2025)43.67
Upper Band56.36
Lower Band37.57
Price Band (%)20
Daily Volatility2.55
Annualised Volatility48.72
Tick Size0.01

Key Securities Statistics of Bank of Maharashtra

Securities InformationDetails
Trading StatusActive
Date of Listing12-Apr-2004
Adjusted P/E6.89
Symbol P/E6.89
Macro-Economic SectorFinancial Services
SectorFinancial Services
Basic IndustryPublic Sector Bank

Security Status of Bank of Maharashtra

Board StatusMain
Trading SegmentNormal Market
Session No.-
Class of SharesEquity
SDD Compliance-
Name of Compliance Officer-

Announcements of Bank of Maharashtra

General Updates 12-Mar-2025
General Updates 05-Mar-2025
Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates 05-Mar-2025
General Updates 21-Feb-2025
General Updates 18-Feb-2025
General Updates 17-Feb-2025
Investor Presentation 15-Feb-2025
Disclosure of material issue 13-Feb-2025

Corporate Actions of Bank of Maharashtra

Face ValuePurposeEx-DateStart DateEnd Date
10Dividend - Rs 1.40 Per Share10-May-2024--
10Dividend - Rs 1.30 Per Share23-May-2023--
10Annual General Meeting/Dividend - Rs 0.50 Per Share20-Jun-202222-Jun-202228-Jun-2022
10 Annual General Meeting16-Jun-202118-Jun-202124-Jun-2021
10 Annual General Meeting03-Aug-202005-Aug-202011-Aug-2020
10 Annual General Meeting19-Jun-201921-Jun-201927-Jun-2019
10 Annual General Meeting13-Jun-201815-Jun-201821-Jun-2018
10 Annual General Meeting08-Jun-201710-Jun-201716-Jun-2017
10 Annual General Meeting21-Jun-201623-Jun-201629-Jun-2016
10Annual General Meeting/ Dividend - Re 0.80/- Per Share19-Jun-201523-Jun-201529-Jun-2015
10Annual General Meeting29-May-201431-May-201402-Jun-2014
10Interim Dividend - Re 1/- Per Share (Purpose Revised)06-Feb-2014--
10Annual General Meeting And Dividend - Rs. 2.30 Per Share30-May-201301-Jun-201314-Jun-2013
10Annual General Meeting And Dividend - Rs. 2.20 Per Share14-Jun-201216-Jun-201225-Jun-2012
10Dividend-Rs.2/- Per Share16-Jun-201118-Jun-201127-Jun-2011
10Dividend-Rs.2/- Per Share30-Jun-201003-Jul-201009-Jul-2010
10Agm/Div-Rs.1.50 Per Share02-Jul-200904-Jul-200915-Jul-2009
10Agm/Dividend - 20%29-May-200831-May-200809-Jun-2008
10Egm-Election Of Directors03-Jan-2008--
10Agm/Dividend - 20%30-May-200701-Jun-200707-Jun-2007

Board Meetings of Bank of Maharashtra

PurposeDetailsAtt.Mtg. Date
Board Meeting IntimationBANK OF MAHARASHTRA has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 15-Jan-2025 to inter-alia consider and approve the Unaudited Financial results of the Company for the Quarterly ended December 2024 . 15-Jan-2025
Financial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2024 15-Jan-2025
BANK OF MAHARASHTRA has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 15-Oct-2024 to inter-alia consider and approve the Unaudited Financial results of the Company for the Quarterly ended September 2024 .Board Meeting Intimation 15-Oct-2024
Financial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended September 30, 2024 15-Oct-2024
BANK OF MAHARASHTRA has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 18-Jul-2024 to consider Fund raising.Board Meeting Intimation 18-Jul-2024
Financial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 2024 15-Jul-2024
BANK OF MAHARASHTRA has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 15-Jul-2024 to inter-alia consider and approve the Unaudited Financial results of the Company for the Quarterly ended June 2024 .Board Meeting Intimation 15-Jul-2024
BANK OF MAHARASHTRA has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 26-Apr-2024 to consider and approve the Yearly Audited Financial results of the Company for the period ended March 2024 and Dividend/Fund raising.Board Meeting Intimation 26-Apr-2024
Financial Results/Dividend/Fund RaisingMAHABANK : 26-Apr-2024 : The Company has informed the Exchange that a Board meeting to be held on April 25, 2024 has been re-scheduled. Further, the Company has informed the Exchange that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on April 26, 2024, To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended March 31, 2024, dividend and Fund Raising 25-Apr-2024
BANK OF MAHARASHTRA has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 25-Apr-2024 to consider and approve the Yearly Audited Financial results of the Company for the period ended March 2024 and Dividend/Fund raising.Board Meeting Intimation 25-Apr-2024
Financial Results/Dividend/Fund RaisingTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended March 31, 2024, dividend and Fund Raising 25-Apr-2024
BANK OF MAHARASHTRA has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 16-Jan-2024 to inter-alia consider and approve the Unaudited Financial results of the Company for the Quarterly ended December 2023 .Board Meeting Intimation 16-Jan-2024
Financial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2023 16-Jan-2024
BANK OF MAHARASHTRA has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 16-Oct-2023 to inter-alia consider and approve the Unaudited Financial results of the Company for the Half Yearly ended September 2023 .Board Meeting Intimation 16-Oct-2023
Financial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended September 30, 2023 16-Oct-2023
BANK OF MAHARASHTRA has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 19-Jul-2023 to inter-alia consider and approve the Unaudited Financial results of the Company for the Quarterly ended June 2023 .Board Meeting Intimation 19-Jul-2023
Financial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 2023 19-Jul-2023
Financial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 2023 19-Jul-2023
BANK OF MAHARASHTRA has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 24-Apr-2023 to consider financial statements for the period ended March 2023, Financial results/Fund raising/Dividend.Board Meeting Intimation 24-Apr-2023
Fund RaisingTo consider Fund Raising 24-Apr-2023

Financial Results of Bank of Maharashtra

Company Directory of Bank of Maharashtra

Web AddressSM NameOfficeAddressCityPincodeTelephoneEmail
www.bankofmaharashtra.inBank of MaharashtraRegistered OfficeInvestor Services Department ,"Lokmangal",
1501, Shivajinagar, Pune 411005
PUNE411005020-25511360 /
www.bankofmaharashtra.inBank of MaharashtraTransfer AgentMCS Share Transfer Agent Limited
Office No.3B3, 3rd Floor, ᅡ﾿Bᅡ﾿ Wing,
Gundecha Onclave Premises Co-op Society Ltd,
Kherani Road, Sakinaka, Andheri (East), Mumbai
MUMBAI400072022-28516021/ 22/

Insider Trading of Bank of Maharashtra

Reg. ClauseAcq./Disp.Sec. (No.)Sec. ValueTxn TypeBcast Time
7(2)President of India (Government of India)7360496018310000000Buy28-Aug-2020 11:05
7(2)President of India1547169812050000000Buy08-Apr-2019 11:07
7(2)president of India( Govt Of India)121850998431730000000Buy05-Apr-2018 20:42
7(2)Govt of India888888883000000000Buy24-Aug-2017 19:12

Annual Reports of Bank of Maharashtra

CompanyFrom YearTo YearAtt.
Bank of Maharashtra20232024
Bank of Maharashtra20222023
Bank of Maharashtra20212022
Bank of Maharashtra20202021
Bank of Maharashtra20192020
Bank of Maharashtra20182019
Bank of Maharashtra20172018
Bank of Maharashtra20162017
Bank of Maharashtra20152016
Bank of Maharashtra20142015
Bank of Maharashtra20132014
Bank of Maharashtra20122013
Bank of Maharashtra20112012
Bank of Maharashtra20102011
Bank of Maharashtra20092010

Investor Complaints of Bank of Maharashtra

Event Calendar of Bank of Maharashtra

Bank of MaharashtraResults/Dividend(1) To consider and to take on record the Audited Financial Results for the year ended March 31, 2011 and to recommend dividend, if any; (2) To convene the Annual General Meeting of the Bank, and; (3) To fix the dates for book closure.30-Apr-2011
Bank of MaharashtraRaising of FundsInter alia to discuss and if thought fit, to approve proposal for raising of capital by issue of equity share capital on preferential basis in terms of SEBI (ICDR) Regulation 2009 to Govt of India / Life Insurance Corporation of India / others, and also decide on other incidental and ancillary matters.10-Feb-2012
Bank of MaharashtraResults/Dividend(1) To consider and to take on record the Audited Financial Results for the year ended March 31, 2012 and to recommend dividend, if any; (2) To convene the Annual General Meeting of the Bank, and; (3) To fix the dates for book closure.05-May-2012
Bank of MaharashtraRaising of FundsInter alia to consider the proposal of raising equity capital by way of preferential allotment to Government of India and/or to Qualified Institutional Buyers or Right Issue.22-Dec-2012
Bank of MaharashtraRaising of FundsInter alia to consider the proposal to raise additional equity share capital up to Rs 200 crore (face value) as Follow-on public offer (FPO) and/or on right issue and/or by way of placement of equity shares through qualified institutional placement (QIP) in F Y 2013-14.10-Jan-2013
Bank of MaharashtraResults/DividendInter alia; 1) To consider and to take on record the audited financial results for the year ended March 31, 2013 and to recommend dividend, if any, 2) To convene the Annual General Meeting of the Bank, and 3) To fix the dates for book closure.29-Apr-2013
Bank of MaharashtraResultsInter-alia, to consider and to take on record the unaudited financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2013.02-Aug-2013
Bank of MaharashtraPreferential issueto consider the proposal of raising equity capital by way of Preferential Allotment to Government of India.29-Oct-2013
Bank of MaharashtraResultsInter alia to take on record the Unaudited(Reviewed) Financial Results for the quarter/half year ended September 30, 2013.29-Oct-2013
Bank of MaharashtraResults/DividendInter-alia: (1) To consider and to take on record the Unaudited (Reviewed) Financial Results for the quarter ended December 31, 2013. (2) Board may consider declaration of Interim dividend for the FY 2013-14. The Trading Window will remain closed for the Directors and Designed employees of the Bank from January 23, 2014 to February 03, 2014 and will reopen on February 04, 2014. In compliance with SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations 1992, suitable notice of the closure of Trading window has been given to directors and designated employees.31-Jan-2014
Bank of MaharashtraResults/DividendInter-alia: 1) To consider and to approve the audited Financial Results of the Bank for the quarter/year ended March 31, 2014. 2) To recommend final dividend, if any, for the FY 2013-14. Further, the trading window will remain closed for the Directors and Designated employees of the Bank from May 05, 2014 to May 14, 2014 and will reopen on May 15, 2014, In compliance with SEBI(Prohibition of Insider trading) Regulations 1992.13-May-2014
Bank of MaharashtraResultsInter-alia; to consider and to take on record the un-audited (reviewed) Financial Results of the Bank for the quarter ended June 30, 2014. Further, the trading window will remain closed for the Directors and Designated employees of the Bank From July 24, 2014 to August 04, 2014 and will reopen on August 05, 2014, In compliance with SEBI(Prohibition of Inside Trading) Regulations 1992, suitable notice of the Closure of Trading Window has been given to Directors and designated employees.02-Aug-2014
Bank of MaharashtraResultsinter-alia; to consider and to approve the un-audited (Reviewed) Financial Results of the Bank for the quarter /half year ended September 30, 2014.07-Nov-2014
Bank of MaharashtraResultsInter alia, to consider and to approve the un-audited (Reviewed) Financial Results of the Bank for the quarter December 31, 2014.13-Feb-2015
Bank of MaharashtraResults/DividendTo consider the audited Financial Results of the Bank for the quarter/year ended March 31, 2015 and to consider recommendation of dividend, if any.14-May-2015
Bank of MaharashtraResultsinter-alia, to consider and to approve the Unaudited (Reviewed) Financial Results of the Bank for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.12-Aug-2015
Bank of MaharashtraResultsInter-alia, to consider and to approve the Unaudited (Reviewed) Financial Results of the Bank for the quarter ended 30th June, 2015.12-Aug-2015
Bank of MaharashtraPreferential issueinter-alia to consider the proposal of raising of equity capital of the Bank by way of Preferential Allotment to Government of India, subject to the necessary approvals/ permissions.01-Sep-2015
Bank of MaharashtraResultsinter-alia, to consider and to approve the Unaudited (Reviewed) Financial Results of the Bank for the quarter ended September 30, 2015.04-Nov-2015
Bank of MaharashtraResultsinter-alia, to consider and to approve the Unaudited Financial Results of the Bank for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2015.10-Feb-2016
Bank of MaharashtraResultsinter-alia, to consider and to approve the Audited Financial Results of the Bank for the quarter/ year ended March 31, 2016.12-May-2016
Bank of MaharashtraResultsinter-alia, to consider and approve the Unaudited Financial Results of the Bank for the quarter ended June 30, 2016.12-Aug-2016
Bank of MaharashtraResultsinter-alia, to consider and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the Bank for the quarter and half year ended September 30, 2016.05-Nov-2016
Bank of MaharashtraResultsInter alia to consider and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the Bank for the Quarter and Nine Months ended December 31, 2016.31-Jan-2017
Bank of MaharashtraResults/Dividendinter-alia, to consider and approve the Audited Financial Results of the Bank for the Quarter and Year ended March 31, 2017 and to recommend dividend for the year 2016-17, if any.04-May-2017
Bank of MaharashtraRaising of Fundsinter alia will consider the proposal of raising of equity capital through FPO/Rights issue/QIP etc., upto Rs.2,000/- crore at an appropriate time, subject to the necessary approvals.04-May-2017
Bank of MaharashtraResultsinter-alia, to consider and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the Bank for the quarter ended June 30, 2017.31-Jul-2017
Bank of MaharashtraResultsInter alia to consider and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the Bank for the Quarter and Half year ended September 30, 2017.10-Nov-2017
Bank of MaharashtraOthersinter alia to consider the proposal of raising of Equity capital of the Bank by way of Preferential Allotment of shares to government of India ( GOI) subject to necessary approvals/ permissions in regard to the communication received from Government of India dated December 28, 2017 regarding infusion of Capital of Rs. 650 crore ( Rupees Six Hundred and Fifty Crore) crore in the bank.03-Jan-2018
Bank of MaharashtraRaising of FundsInteralia to consider the proposal of raising of equity capital of Bank by way of Preferential allotment of shares to Government of India (GOI), subject to necessary approvals/ permissions in regard to communication received from GOI vide its letter dated January 24, 2018 for capital infusion in Bank.31-Jan-2018
Bank of MaharashtraResultsInter alia to consider and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the Bank for the Quarter and Nine months ended December 31, 2017.06-Feb-2018
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial Results/DividendTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended March 31, 2018 and dividend04-May-2018
Bank of MaharashtraOther business mattersinteralia to consider the proposal of raising of capital of Bank by way of issue of equity shares through FPO/ Rights issue/ QIP/ Preferential issue or any other mode or combination thereof and/ or through issue of bonds or such other securities as may be permitted under applicable laws, subject to necessary approvals/ permissions, if required04-May-2018
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsInter alia to consider and take on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the Bank for the First Quarter ended June 30, 2018.03-Aug-2018
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended September 30, 201830-Oct-2018
Bank of MaharashtraOther business mattersinter alia to consider the proposal of raising Equity Capital by way of issue of equity shares of Bank through Employee Shares Purchase Scheme (ESPS) subject to necessary Statutory / Regulatory approvals.29-Nov-2018
Bank of MaharashtraFund RaisingInter-alia to consider the proposal of raising of equity Capital aggregating to Rs. 4498/-crore by way of preferential allotment of shares to Government of India (GOI) subject to Necessary approvals/permissions.04-Jan-2019
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 201823-Jan-2019
Bank of MaharashtraFund Raisinginter-alia to consider the proposal of raising of Equity capital aggregating to Rs.205 crore by way of Preferential allotment of equity shares to Government of India (GoI) subject to necessary approvals/ permissions.26-Feb-2019
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial Results/Fund RaisingThe Company had informed the Exchange regarding the Board Meeting Schedul4ed to be held on April 29, 2019 To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended March 31, 2019. The Company has now informed the Exchange interalia will consider the proposal of raising of capital through FPO/ Rights issue/ QIP/ Preferential issue or any other mode or combination thereof and / or through issue of Bonds or such other securities as may be permitted under applicable laws etc., subject to the necessary approvals.(Purpose Revised)29-Apr-2019
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 201929-Jul-2019
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended September 30, 201922-Oct-2019
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 201920-Jan-2020
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended March 31, 202016-Jun-2020
Bank of MaharashtraFund Raising/Other business mattersinter alia, to consider the Following agenda (a) Raising of Capital through FPO/ Rights issue/ QIP/ Preferential issue or any other mode or combination thereof and / or through issue of BASEL III Bonds or such other securities as may be permitted under applicable laws etc., subject to the necessary approvals(2) Issue of equity shares to Government of India on Preferential basis aggregating to Rs.831/- crore received by Bank in March, 2020 subject to the necessary approvals.10-Jul-2020
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 202023-Jul-2020
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended September 30, 202019-Oct-2020
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 202019-Jan-2021
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended March 31, 202129-Apr-2021
Bank of MaharashtraFund RaisingTo considerᅡᅠthe proposal of Raising of Capital through Follow-on Public Offer (FPO) / Rights issue / Qualified Institutional Placement (QIP) issue, Preferential issue or any other mode or combination thereof and / or through issue of BASEL III Bonds or such other securities as may be permitted under applicable laws etc., subject to the necessary approvals.29-Apr-2021
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 202122-Jul-2021
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended September 30, 202121-Oct-2021
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 202120-Jan-2022
Bank of MaharashtraDividendBank of Maharashtra has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 25-May-2022 to consider and approve the proposal for recommendation of dividend on the equity shares of the Bank for the financial year 2021-22 subject to the approval of shareholders of Bank. Further, in terms of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 read with Bank¬タルs Code of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor and Report Trading by Insiders, the Trading Window for dealing in the securities of Bank for the Directors, Designated employees and all Insiders shall remain closed from 20th May, 2022 till 27th May, 2022 (both days inclusive).25-May-2022
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial resultsBank of Maharashtra has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 18-Jul-2022 to consider financial statements for the period ended June 202218-Jul-2022
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial resultsBank of Maharashtra has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 17-Oct-2022 to consider financial statements for the period ended September 202217-Oct-2022
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 202216-Jan-2023
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial Results/DividendTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended March 31, 2023 and dividend24-Apr-2023
Bank of MaharashtraFund RaisingTo consider Fund Raising24-Apr-2023
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 202319-Jul-2023
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 202319-Jul-2023
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended September 30, 202316-Oct-2023
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 202316-Jan-2024
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial Results/Dividend/Fund RaisingMAHABANK : 26-Apr-2024 : The Company has informed the Exchange that a Board meeting to be held on April 25, 2024 has been re-scheduled. Further, the Company has informed the Exchange that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on April 26, 2024, To consider and approve the financial results for the period ended March 31, 2024, dividend and Fund Raising25-Apr-2024
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial Results/Dividend/Fund RaisingTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended March 31, 2024, dividend and Fund Raising25-Apr-2024
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended Jun 30, 202415-Jul-2024
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended September 30, 202415-Oct-2024
Bank of MaharashtraFinancial ResultsTo consider and approve the financial results for the period ended December 31, 202415-Jan-2025

Share Transfers of Bank of Maharashtra

CompanyPeriodReg.7Reg.40Reg7 Bcast DateReg40 Bcast Date
Bank of Maharashtra31-MAR-2024 22-Apr-2024 19:10:0622-Apr-2024 19:10:06
Bank of Maharashtra31-MAR-2023 20-Apr-2023 16:40:1828-Apr-2023 13:20:13
Bank of Maharashtra31-MAR-2022 08-Apr-2022 16:00:2616-Apr-2022 19:40:05
Bank of Maharashtra31-MAR-2021 16-Apr-2021 18:20:1327-Apr-2021 18:20:12
Bank of Maharashtra30-SEP-2020 23-Oct-2020 17:40:1326-Oct-2020 18:20:11
Bank of Maharashtra31-MAR-2020 11-May-2020 15:20:0222-May-2020 16:20:02
Bank of Maharashtra30-SEP-2019 24-Nov-2019 20:50:0523-Nov-2019 22:40:04
Bank of Maharashtra31-MAR-2019 23-Apr-2019 15:12:0723-Apr-2019 15:12:07

Voting Results of Bank of Maharashtra

Date of Mtg.Mtg. TypeResolutionR. requiredTotal SHs% favour% against
12-JUN-2024AGMTo discuss, approve and adopt the Balance Sheet of the Bank as on 31st March, 2024, and the Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on that date, the report of the Board of Directors on the working and activities of the Bank for the period covered by the accounts and the Auditor¬タルs report thereon.Ordinary91419999.840.16
12-JUN-2024AGMTo consider raising of Equity Capital aggregating upto Rs.7,500/- crore through various modes as mentioned in the Notice.Special9141991000
12-JUN-2024AGMTo approve appointment of Shri Nidhu Saxena as Managing Director And Chief Executive Officer (MD& CEO) of the Bank w.e.f. 27.03.2024Ordinary91419999.470.53
12-JUN-2024AGMTo approve appointment of Shri Rohit Rishi as Executive Director on the board of the Bank w.e.f. 01.11.2023Ordinary91419998.861.14
12-JUN-2024AGMTo approve appointment of Shri Abhijit Phukon as Government Nominee Director on the board of the Bank w.e.f. 25.10.2023Ordinary91419998.891.11
12-JUN-2024AGMTo approve appointment of Shri Sanjeev Prakash as RBI Nominee Director on the board of the bank w.e.f. 14.07.2023Ordinary91419998.851.15
12-JUN-2024AGMTo declare dividend on the Equity Shares of the Bank for the FY 2023-24.Ordinary9141991000
09-JUN-2023AGMTo discuss, approve and adopt the Balance Sheet of the Bank as at 31st March, 2023, and the Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on that date, the report of the Board of Directors on the working and activities of the Bank for the period covered by the accounts and the Auditor¬タルs report on the Balance sheet and accounts.Ordinary44165399.990.01
09-JUN-2023AGMTo raise Capital through FPO/Rights issue/QIP issue/ etc.Special44165399.990.01
09-JUN-2023AGMTo Consider and pass The appointment of Shri Parshant Kumar Goyal as the Non-Executive Director.Ordinary44165399.630.37
09-JUN-2023AGMTo declare dividend on Equity Shares for the financial year 2022-23.Ordinary4416531000
28-JUN-2022AGMTo discuss, approve and adopt the Balance Sheet of the Bank as at 31st March 2022, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on that date, the report of the Board of Directors on the working and activities of the Bank for the period covered by the accounts and the Auditor¬タルs Report on the Balance Sheet and Accounts.Ordinary3789401000
28-JUN-2022AGMTo raise Equity Capital through FPO/Rights issue/QIP issue etc.Special37894099.990.01
28-JUN-2022AGMTo declare dividend on Equity Shares for the financial year 2021-22.Ordinary3789401000
24-JUN-2021AGMTo discuss, approve and adopt the Balance Sheet of the Bank as at 31st March 2021, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on that date, the report of the Board of Directors on the working and activities of the Bank for the period covered by the accounts and the Auditor¬タルs Report on the Balance Sheet and Accounts.Ordinary3142911000
24-JUN-2021AGMTo raise Equity Capital of Rs.5,000/- crore through FPO/Rights issue/QIP/ Preferential issue etc.,Special31429199.990.01
11-AUG-2020AGMTo discuss, approve and adopt the Balance Sheet of the Bank as at 31st March 2020, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on that date, the report of the Board of Directors on the working and activities of the Bank for the period covered by the accounts and the Auditor¬タルs Report on the Balance Sheet and Accounts.Ordinary2173101000
11-AUG-2020AGMIssue of Equity shares of Rs.10/- each of the Bank to Government of India on preferential basisSpecial2173101000
11-AUG-2020AGMTo raise Equity Capital of Rs.2000 /- crore through FPO/Rights issue/QIP/ Preferential issue etc.,Special2173101000
11-AUG-2020AGMTo set off the accumulated losses of the Bank as of 31.03.2020 by utilizing the balance standing to the credit of Share Premium Account and Special Reserve Account of Bank as on the date of set offSpecial2173101000

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